Hi there.

I’m Lauren, web designer and business owner, a mama, and a wife. I help heart-centered women entrepreneurs design beautiful and effective websites so they can showcase their expertise and make more sales. After spending 15+ years working in higher education as a an academic advisor and coach, I wanted to shift to more creative pursuits and fell in love with web design.

Photo of family

I have always believed education transforms lives. As a lifelong learner, I love learning new technologies, more efficient methods, and staying current on trends. I earned my bachelor’s degree in International Studies from the University of Missouri and my master’s degree in Global & International Studies from the University of Kansas.

I'm a wife to my husband Dan of 14 years and mom to a 9 year old daughter and 5 year old son. I love creative hobbies (shocking I know!), like sewing, baking and DIY house projects, and travel is my love language. I'm happiest when I can get to a beach, but as a native Kansas Citian, that can be a challenge! I also love cheering on all of my Kansas City sports teams, Mizzou Tigers, and my little league stars in hockey, baseball/softball, and soccer!