God is hilarious.

God is hilarious. Like really, really funny. Like, when you get a kid that does all the same naughty things you used to do as a kid, or He just puts little situations in your life that make you laugh. I always knew He had a sense of humor, but man, He really got me recently.

Quick background story. Several years ago, when I worked in higher education, one of my responsibilities as an academic success coach was recruiting new students to the programs I worked with. Our campus marketing and communications director was new, and he was trying to make a great contribution to our marketing efforts to bring in new students. I was an academic advisor, so frankly, I just didn’t care. I was in my role to serve students, not be a salesperson. It sounded like a lot of extra work on my already full plate (all my educators and former educators, IYKYK). Every meeting I was in with this guy, he was always talking about funnels, a funnel, the funnel…

There were funnel drawings on whiteboards, explanations of funnels, how we were going to work our students through each stage of the funnel to enroll in our programs. Anytime I was in a meeting with this (very nice) guy, I could feel my eyes rolling at the sound of the word funnel. I f-ing did not care about these funnels! 

And now…as a business owner, holy crap! I need funnels…YOU need funnels…all business owners need funnels. At the time I was learning about them, it just didn’t matter, but now I see how important it is for anyone to successfully sell their product/service, gain an email list, and build their business.

Now, I not only need to understand and utilize funnels, but last week, I had the opportunity to participate in a ClickFunnels 2.0 “My First Funnel Challenge.” It literally blew my mind. I am so excited to learn everything I can about building funnels. So that one thing I could not stand to hear about…is going to be a central part of my business.

OK, God, you got me! I love Your long game. You waited a long time for that one. 😉


Do you have an intention for 2024?