Do you have an intention for 2024?

How has 2024 gone for you so far? Did you set a word or intention for the year?

I ask because frankly, before I ventured deeper into the entrepreneurial world, I scoffed at the idea of setting a word or intention for the year. Goals, yes. Resolutions, definitely yes (seemingly always around eating better, working know the reasons why the gym is so crowded on January 2).

However, the last couple of years I have fully embraced the idea of a word of the year and a vision board to keep me on track for the way I want my life to look, feel, and be.

It may seem silly but having these guiding vibes and visual cues has made a difference. And if something works, I am going to keep doing it.

So, what's my word of the year? It's EASE. Not easy or without challenge, but a year that flows as I take action and make decisions that align with my values.

Also, in the spirit of the new year, I am excited to share with you that one of my intentions is to communicate regularly with you, share useful design tips and have some fun! Thus, this blog and more to come :).

Thank you for being here! I can't wait to continue our connection!

Wishing you a year ahead filled with EASE and success!

Email me and let me know what your word of the year is! Or if you think it's total crap. :P I'd love to know either way.


Why a website audit, you ask?


God is hilarious.