Which Software Should I Use?

Like my son's Hot Wheels cars, I'm coming in hot with a short and sweet tip this week. 

Which web design software should I use? I see this question all. the. time. In Facebook groups, from fellow business owners, from prospective clients. Wix, Go Daddy, WordPress, SquareSpace, Kajabi, ClickFunnels, Go High Level...the list goes on. and on. and on.

Here's my hot take: it doesn't matter.

What?! you say. Surely there's a GOAT of web designing software.

Yeah, not really, IMO. There are pros and cons for each software out there, from price to ease of use to all the fun bells and whistles. And like the true middle child that I am, I'm going to keep the peace and not pick one! 

It's more important to consider your budget, your technical skills, time you have to learn the software, and here's the biggie: what you are using your website FOR. 

Tell me: what web design software do you like the best and why?


YOU are a super hero.


Why a website audit, you ask?