Why a website audit, you ask?

Whether you're brand new to business or an experienced pro, I know that you KNOW having a website is key to feeling like a legitimate business and converting prospects to sales. 

I mean, when you see a janky website, are you tripping over yourself to book a call or make a purchase? I'm not...I keep on a*moving, and I'm betting you do too.

So, let's talk about why a Website Audit is your secret weapon to increase sales and reduce janky-ness. 

  1. First Impressions Matter: Imagine someone landing on your site and encountering broken links or outdated content. Yikes! 

  2. SEO Magic: A thorough audit ensures your website is speaking the language search engines love, boosting your visibility.

  3. Mobile Marvel: A website audit ensures your site is ready for its close-up, no matter the screen size.

  4. Speedy Chic: Nobody likes a slow website – an audit identifies any speed bumps for sites loading in more than the magic 5 seconds.

So how does this work? In my FREE website audit, I will:

  • Share 2-3 things your website is doing super well

  • Give you 2-3 suggestions on changes

  • Check on your speed, SEO & security

  • Loom recording of the video

In the words of T Swift, ARE YOU READY FOR IT? Let me know here!


Which Software Should I Use?


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